Addition Within 10
Show your working clearly and write your answers in the spaces provided.

1 Ken has 2 big balls and 3 small balls.
How many balls does he have altogether?


He has balls altogether.

2 James buys 5 green balloons and 3 red balloons
How many balloons does he buy in all?


He has balloons in all.

3 Linda has 3 red markers, 2 blue markers and 1 black marker. How many markers does she have altogether?


Linda has markers altogether.

4 2 boys and 4 girls are in the school hall. 3 adults join them. How many people are there in the school hall?

school hall

There are people in the school hall.

5 David read 3 pages of a book and Ken read 3 pages of the same book on Sunday. On Monday, David read 3 pages and Ken read 2 more pages than David.

(a) How many pages of the book did David read on both days?


David read pages of the book on both days.

b) How many pages of the book did Ken read on Monday?


Ken read pages of the book on Monday.

c) How many pages of the book did Ken read on both days?


Ken read pages of the book on both days.

Watch the video for the solution and the answer.