Number Bonds
Show your working clearly and write your answers in the spaces provided.

1 Complete the number bond.

2 Complete the number bond.

3 There are 3 boys and 4 girls at a birthday party.
Complete the number bond to show the total number of children at the party.

There are children at the party.
4 At first, there were some children queueing to board the school bus. The first 5 children in the queue boarded the bus and there were 4 children left. How many children were there queueing to board the school bus at first?

Complete the number bond to show your answer.

There were children queueing to board the school bus at first.
5 Peter and John have 7 coins altogether. Peter has 1 more coin than John.

a) How many coins does Peter have?
b) How many coins does John have>

Complete the number bond to show your answer.

a) Peter has coins.

a) John has coins.
Watch the video for the solution and the answer.