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Using Equal Concept

Most of us as parent when learning math, we apply the rule by remembering the formulas. The drawback is that we are not able to fully understand why this rule being applied as the result when problem becoming complex, we are not able to resolve it. Using mathematical concept aids learners to Comprehend the procedure and its application.

Here, we are going to demonstrate using an "Equal Concept" to solve an addition and subtraction problems.

Problem One

6 + ________ = 10

In our convention method, if we are to resolve a simple addition equation like 5 + 4 = ?, we will count 6...7....8...9 and we come out with the answer as 9. However, if the addition question is being modified as above (6 + ? = 10), your child need an alternative way to figure out. Of course, above is just a simple illustration.

An equal sign can be denoted as both sides having the same value. One of the most popular way of using model approach is using length bar as shown below.
6 ?

From the model, you can see that the longer bar has the same length as sum of 2 shorter bars. to find the length of the unknown shorter bar, the child will know that it will never be more or equal to the longest bar.
The length of the unknown bar = Longest bar minus another shoter bar

? = 10 - 6 = 4
So the answer is 4

Problem 2

So how about the subtraction? Well, it is similar except the answer become one of the shorter bar and the longest bar belong to the value being subtracted.

8 - _______ = 3

3 ?

As you can demonstrate to your kid visually that a value (3) need to be taken away from the total value (8) to find out the unknown value.

So the answer is 8 - 3 = 5

Using model provide an visual aid so that your child can have a better idea of the logic rather than memorise them (e.g. if total value given and it is addition, use subtraction). Having a good understanding of the logic is crucial to build a strong foundation for learning deeper and abstract math in the future.

Parenting Guide on Primary School Math (Singapore)
Heuristic Approach
  1. Guess And Check Approach
  2. Pattern Approach
  3. Lateral Thinking
  4. Deductive Thinking
  5. Modelling
  6. Investigation
  7. Set Concept
Model Approach
  1. Equal Concept
  2. Comparison Concept
  3. Difference Concept
  4. Multiple Concept
  5. Combine Multiple & Difference Concept

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