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Saturday, December 12, 2015
[Education (Singapore Math)]
I would like to find more books on heuristic math for primary three to six.  I hope the teachers here can write some digital materials on heuristic math and science rather than the convention conceptual topical math/ science assessment/workbook.

Perhaps a guide book would be much helpful.  I have gone to popular book store but can't find much.  I hope to find more here since this is site contribute by majority Singapore educators. 
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I think you can find at popular bookstore Singapore Bras Basah.  you need to just their staff s.  The books usually hidden in their secret store room.  I manage to find 5 but they are very thin and questions are usually brief.  I would recommend Marshall Cavendish (Problem Solving math) for heuristic math and Science for success for process skill on science.  
The only disappointment is that I can't find a textbook on heuristic math/science.  I do hope someone could write and publish it here.  By the way, I would recommend here to sell physical book.  I really hate to print out my own.

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