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What are Singapore Math Heuristics?
(11/4/2020 4:33:25 PM)

Ever tried to help your child with primary math homework and got stumped? Today’s math questions can be challenging – even for adults.

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(10/27/2020 11:26:37 PM)

At a time when the world is becoming only more dependent on ever-evolving technology and given that computer science continues to be among the most lucrative professions in the world, it is perhaps not an understatement that learning coding is no less than a life skill today. Kids, grownups — we could all do with learning coding and what’s more, it doesn’t have to be that difficult either. The best way to start then is to begin with the simplest and work your way up. And while adults sure can learn coding, starting at an early age is highly recommended.

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Insight Into Autism: The Latest Brain Research
(8/17/2020 5:36:56 AM)

The Centers for Disease Control recently announced that overall autism prevalence rates in the U.S. have increased, indicating that one in 68 American children are on the autism spectrum (an estimated one in 42 boys and one in 189 girls). Millions of Americans of all ages currently fall within the autism spectrum.

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Unlock Brain Potential to Protect Against Decline
(8/17/2020 5:24:56 AM)

Our brain is probably the most neglected, abused and poorly understood organ in the body. While sports concussions and Alzheimer's awareness are at an all-time high, many of us fail to protect our brain from potentially reversible decline.

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Restrictions in schools needed to minimise risk of infection
(6/5/2020 8:12:10 PM)

Mr Jotdeep Singh suggested relooking the many restrictions in schools as they reopen next month amid the coronavirus situation (Reconsider whether so many restrictions are needed in schools, May 21).

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MOE Reduce More than A Third of GCE Coursework Assessment Tasks
(6/5/2020 7:41:27 PM)

Those taking their GCE will find their assessment tasks reduced due to the changes brought by the COVID-19 outbreak to the country’s education sector.

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The benefit of Foot Massage and Reflexology
(3/15/2019 7:25:18 PM)

The benefits of Foot Massage and Reflexology includes helps control blood pressure, improves nerve sensitivity, improve energy level, improves blood circulation, helps promote sleep, improves liver function, treat migraines and headaches, speed up healing of wounds, treat arthritis, useful for depression, and helps reduce swollen feet.

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How To Become A Tutor
(10/28/2018 6:29:45 PM)

You should ask yourself why you want to become a tutor. If you are interesting in becoming a teacher at some point in your life then tutoring is a great start. Most people when asked why they want to become a tutor is that they want to help other people you have a great flexible schedule it is a way to meet people and help them achieve their goals.

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How To Choose A Private Tutor
(10/28/2018 6:28:50 PM)

There are many things you should look for when choosing the right private tutor. Sometimes though it will come down to trying various tutors out and seeing which one works best with you. Outlined here are the characteristics you should look for and the steps you should then take to ensure you've chosen the right person.

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How To Improve Your Childs Study Skills By Discovering Their Learning Style
(10/28/2018 6:27:40 PM)

Parents if your child is struggling in school or even in just one class this does not mean that your child is not extremely intelligent. Everyone is different. Each person has different opinions tastes and motivations. As a result not everyone learns in the same style.

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