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Win prizes worth up to $500

Let your child be the STAR! Showcase your child's talent to the world with minimum hassle. Simply take a video of your child and your child may be the STAR!

If your child is between 3 to 12 years old, a Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident (PR), and have a talent to showcase, he/she is eligible. Let your child wow the world with his/her talent, whether it’s singing, dancing, juggling, playing an instrument…..!

Don’t miss this chance for your child to be the STAR!

If you are not a member of, sign up now. The contest is only open to either Singaporeans or Singapore Permanent Residents

Upload your child's video to any global video-sharing website e.g. YouTube, dailymotion, etc. As this is a contest meant for individual participation, only one child is to be present as a performer in a video. Contest will only start once we have gathered a minimum of 100 approved participants (maximum number of participants is 300). Each participant is only allowed to submit one video for the contest. The videos submitted are subjected to approval. Once the contest starts, there will be a 3 months voting period for the videos. The final voting date will be determined and revealed on this page.

Only Singaporeans and Singapore PRs can take part in this contest.

Information on the Scoring System

The score of each video will be determined by the number of’ subscribers' votes and facebook likes for the video on our page.

The highest number of votes on plus facebook likes will be awarded with the first prize.

How score is to be calculated

The following is how the score is to be calculated:

No of Votes by Subscribers x 100
No of Facebook Likes by viewers x 20
No of Facebook Shares by viewers x 2
No of Facebook comments x 1 (Capped at 200)
First prize: $200
Second prize: $100
Third prize: $50
Fourth prize: $30
Merit awards

  Terms and Conditions

  Please read terms and conditions before proceeding
Please login to add a video. If you are not as a member yet, please sign up as member first.

* We will request you to send a copy of your NRIC if you are a prize winner
Name of the performer
* The name of the child
Performer's Gender
Performer's Date of Birth

* DDMMYYYY format (e.g. 02072002 for 2 July 2002)

* Title of the video

* Description of the video
Enrichment Schools Attended/ Private instructor name:

* Put commas for seperate schools or 'NA' if there is none
Mailing Address

Postal Code

Contact No

Video URL

Website address for the video (Youtube or Dailymotion URL Address for the video you want to showcase)
Cover Image

Optional. Size:600 x 600 pixels (If you do not provide a cover image, we will provide an image of our choice). Only gif, png or Jpeg will be accepted
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