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Restrictions in schools needed to minimise risk of infection
(6/5/2020 8:12:10 PM)

Mr Jotdeep Singh suggested relooking the many restrictions in schools as they reopen next month amid the coronavirus situation (Reconsider whether so many restrictions are needed in schools, May 21).

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Pros And Cons Of Public School Rankings For K-12 Gen Interest
(7/18/2018 6:47:25 PM)

Throughout life, we are constantly comparing ourselves to others. New moms compare pregnancies, labor, and their babies’ growth and development. Parents of school-age children compare their children’s success in school and their prowess in sports, arts, and intelligence. Teenagers compare wardrobes, grades, boyfriends or girlfriends, and their cars. High school graduates compare colleges or universities based on the party-factor, excellence in their choice of study, athlet...

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Pros and Cons of Online Schooling
(7/18/2018 6:45:46 PM)

Thinking of entering online schooling can arise discomfort for some. This is quite understandable since it is not the usual way of learning just like those people who have tried airplane as a way to travel for the first time. However, with the reputation online schools are gaining, the way students learn is transforming in an "unconventional way."

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American Homeschooling Has Been Around Since We Trekked Across The Continent
(3/29/2018 8:54:49 PM)

Homeschooling in America is making a big comeback with all the problems that seem to stem from the education system. What people in American dont seem to realize is this country was made by homeschooling. It was one of the few times in America when most children could read and write and they were taught in covered wagons trekking into the wilderness.

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Five Tips To Helping Your Children With Homework
(11/28/2017 9:39:53 PM)

Homework help can be a daunting experience especially for those parents that have been out of school for years. Use these tips to make the process easier while helping your child to understand the concepts that have been taught that day at school.

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Bullying And Private Tutoring
(11/28/2017 9:32:04 PM)

Statistics show that at least 20 per cent of students in Australian schools have experienced bullying and harassment. We'll show how this impacts private tutoring and how private tutoring can help.

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Home Schooling And The Internet
(9/14/2016 8:50:26 PM)

If your daughter is astonished by the blinking cursor and lives to instruct the movements of the mouse, you may want to seek into some of the new journeys in homeschooling avenues. Gone are the days when dads had to buy material from peddlers and then pass it on to their children with purposes. Anymore, you purchase the full course facts, material and test papers using the Internet. Little kids love to perch at the digital computer. Further to making them feel like an adul...

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3 Traits That A Good Home Tutor Must Have
(8/31/2016 6:00:16 PM)

Are you looking for a home tutor for your kid? What qualify a good home tutor? If you intend to hire a home tutor you need to know how to choose a quality one for your kid.

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Benefits Of Homeschooling
(8/5/2016 9:21:46 PM)

Why let Tim and Lisa learn at home than send them to school? Well, first of all, you don't have to wake them up at 7 every

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After School Activities: Learning Environment
(8/5/2016 8:55:52 PM)

There is frequently a trap in the lyrics 'after school activities'. 1 might effortlessly feel that since these activities are after school they're not of much significance that could be missed. But one couldn't be more wrong.

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