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Six Useful Ways To Help Kids Learn Mathematics Well

Before learning mathematics, little kids would have too many opportunities to know some simple mathematical concepts, which is not only lay the foundation for their future learning, but also enhance their life skills during the process of learning.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Before learning mathematics, little kids would have too many opportunities to know some simple mathematical concepts, which is not only lay the foundation for their future learning, but also enhance their life skills during the process of learning.

Several tips about how to learn mathematics well by kids are introduced below.

Firstly, rich and vivid language
In daily life, when taking with kids, parents should use such words for too many times such as full, empty, big, small, light, heavy, long, short, more, less and so on. At the same time, it is better to use simple sentences such as one book, two pieces of peanut and three doors.

Remember numbers mechanically
At the beginning, parents can ask kids to remember some words and numbers mechanically. In other words, they just need to remember them and it is not necessary to understand their meaning. Singing number songs, playing finger games and count things around them, all of which is beneficial to remember numbers and their orders mechanically.

Counting on purpose
For example, give kids two apples and teach them that there are two apples so that kids would understand that number two means two items. At beginning, it is wise to understand simple number such as one, two, three and so on. Finally, increase the number of items and ask children to know more numbers.

Understand the meaning of the numbers
Put three small size bowls in front of kids, when counting one, kids would touch their first bowl, when counting two, kids would touch their second bowl, when counting three, kids would touch their third bowl. From such learning process, kids would know the specific meaning of these numbers.

Do simple addition and subtraction
If you are smart parents, you should ask kids the questions after you tell them one interesting stories. For example, you tell them that the rabbit babies and rabbit mother are eating radishes, there are ten radishes in all and rabbit babies eat three radishes, how many radishes are there still? Parents can ask questions with the same form.

Give example to classify items
Put some red small bowl and some green small bowl in kids’ front, and then ask them to put the red ones together. As is known to all, classification ability is important to kids’ intelligence development, therefore it is necessary to pay more attention on such aspect. If parents want their kids to be good at classifying, you can ask them to classify candles, silver coins and so on.

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