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English Learning Problems

Students of all ages can experience one or more types of problems when learning English. In this article I will briefly address the specific problems of the attitude factors, time and money. The problems mentioned below do not recognize borders.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Difficulty in learning English as a second language or foreign language

Students of all ages can experience one or more types of problems when learning English. In this article I will briefly address the specific problems of the attitude factors, time and money. The problems mentioned below do not recognize borders.

Students in their youth do not generally attach great importance to learn English. Football, friends, online games, listen to music and hanging out with friends seems to be some of the most important thing on his mind. In this age of work and family seems to be years away, and learning English are not generally considered to be required to take college or university for quality that can lead to fill the average size of a career officer. To summarize, the world is more important than learning English. South Korea and Thailand, according to my research student, this hobby is an eternity · Sleeping ¨.

Students whose career has just begun, which is equivalent to a bachelor now that the potential revenue if they go to get a master's degree. Many of these young people are now married with a child and taking them is not economic goals without graduate degrees. Then they start taking English lessons started to increase their chances of passing the TOEFL,IELTS or GRE for admission to college or university in the U.S.. The problems I see and hear these students for the workplace and families require a lot of energy and time that they have little time and energy to be used for studying English. I see a great number of students have not completed the amount of study in English to pass TOEFL or GRE with a score high enough to take college or university in the U.S.. Cost of English courses is another concern exhausting. Family budgets are so tight that many students give up school because the food and pay rent for the house are the priorities. Dreaming of going on to university in the U.S. and returned home to a master's hand slowly fades into the future, the present and the past few years rapidly. South Korea, the favorite pastime and age of the students had a dream, followed in second place, drinking Soju (rice, high alcohol wines) while playing billiards.

The next population of students who are struggling to improve their English skills are accountants, managers of import and export, middle managers, vice presidents and presidents of national and international companies, all, j "I have learned English. This group of students was about ten for fifteen years for a job, and now it is very important to communicate effectively in English, especially because of globalization and the expansion of international trade. many of these cases, as in the above examples, other factors affect the performance of students and their goals . Many professionals in national and international communities burned time English classes usually begin in five or six in the evening. Red Eye of overwork and complaints subtle twitch muscles, high blood pressure, weakened immune system and other disorders associated with overwork and stress and inhibit the development of students; improve their skills in English. This age group of students considered family and sleeping outside their primary work interest. When a middle-aged and the deteriorating health of days of playing billiards and drinking Soju after work with colleagues over a long time ago.

So all in all, each age its own barriers to prevent the acquisition or improvement of skills in the English language. Of course, an extraordinary group of students that people of all ages who persevere and succeed in their studies.

Learn more about English Learning online visit this site:

This is julia Robert from California.I am GMAT and IELTS trainer.Learn more about English Learning online visit:

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