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Food And Brain Connection In Childhood

What is the difference between the learning and behavior of kids who eat junk food or high GL food with abandon and those who are following a potentially wellbalanced diet? If there is a difference between these children then why is there a difference? What should you as a parent be feeding your child?

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

What is the difference between the learning and behavior of kids who eat junk food or high GL food with abandon and those who are following a potentially wellbalanced diet? If there is a difference between these children then why is there a difference? What should you as a parent be feeding your child?

One of the most limiting concepts of modern science is the idea that our mind and body are separate entities. Unfortunately it's not just scientists who live by this false notion. We all in a manner subscribe to this myth.? For instance when you observe your child facing trouble in concentrating on his/her studies behaving badly or struggling to read does the thought ever cross your mind that he might be poorly nourished??? If it does not it is time to wake up. All these characteristics and behavior traits are governed by a network of complex interconnecting brain cells shaped by none other than what your child eats on a daily basis.

Fact is that most of our children are struggling to keep up. They're living with perpetual tiredness; are difficulty in concentrating on their studies behaving erratically or feeling anxious stressful irritable or depressed all the time. At such a tender age they are experiencing sleeping problems. There is sufficient scientific evidence to prove that too many of our children are suffering from mental health problems ranging from attention deficit disorder to autism hyperactivity and dyslexia. Some of these kids are simply not able to achieve their full potential in school and at home solely because of the way they feel inside.

Fortunately study after study shows that what you feed your child can and will increase intelligence attention span concentration and problemsolving ability as well as improve emotional response mood and physical coordination.

If only you'd attempt to understand how your child's brain works you can eradicate some of these problems and help him/her navigate these crucial development years with considerable ease. Certain nutrients ?are absolutely essential for your child's growth and nourishment. Ideally he? or she should have been raised on these nutrients right from conception but ?it's still not late.

You as a parent can make up for the loss merely ?by changing the child's food habits. By doing all that is suggested in the book "How to Increase Child's IQ' you will be able to fundamentally impact the way your child thinks? feels and behaves not just in the present but also in the future as he/she? grows up into a mature adult.????

The time is ripe for change and you can help make it happen! ?

About the writer:nbsp;nbsp;This Guide Smart Kids or How to Increase Childs IQ will show every parent how eating the correct foods and supplements can boost yours and your child IQ improve mood and behavior hone memory and concentration and sharpen reading and writing skills.

Certificated Nutritionist: Angelica A. Marquass
Leading Institutes of Nutrition NY London

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