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Abacus Education Can Help Child To Do Complex Arithmetical Problems

Children learn faster than grownups. It is true because they have high energy and brain power. A child who gets a proper and methodical training from the very beginning is geared for academic excellence in the future.

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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Abacus education can help child to do complex arithmetical problems

Children learn faster than grownups. It is true because they have high energy and brain power. A child who gets a proper and methodical training from the very beginning is geared for academic excellence in the future. In order to promote development of childs mental abilities introduce abacus as soon as children start with counting 1 2 3. Children learn faster especially if learning is associated with some activities. Abacus is a simple tool to learn basic mathematics and also used to simplify calculations. Teaching children simple mathematics with abacus has proved to be highly effective. A country fast embracing the concept of Abacus.

If you leave anything without using it gets rusted; and becomes useless. Likewise our brain too becomes useless if it is not used sufficiently and properly. Research shows that left brain of 80 of the world population is more developed compared to the right brain. Why? Unknowingly we utilize the left side of the brain keeping the right side idle.nbsp; Using an electronic calculator makes our brain idle while using an abacus makes us think. You can say a brain functions well only when each side gets equal exercise and works in harmony. How is this possible? Learning to use abacus makes both sides of the brain equally active. Calculations are made in head while you use abacus as a physical tool to mark or track sums. When a child use hands to move beads and mind to calculate then there occurs a communication between hands and brain that stimulates brain cells. This process helps in balanced and steady development of brain. By using abacus our brain gets enough exercise which helps to boost our memory power.

 Abacus training not only enables children to calculate quickly and accurately but also enhances their creative side and hones their artistic talents. To crave great personalities out of your children you have to start training them from their childhood. Lack of concentration and memory are problems children face as they grow older. In order to avoid such problems and attain excellence teach your children how to use abacus from childhood itself. Instead of letting them use calculators introduce abacus which promotes brain Utilization and development.

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