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Children With Adhd - Monsters Or Angels ?

Lots of speculation as to why there are so many cases of ADHD today in comparison to say twenty years ago. It is a strange condition as no main cause has been identified diagnosis is based on questionnaires which can sometimes

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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Lots of speculation as to why there are so many cases of ADHD today in comparison to say twenty years ago. It is a strange condition as no main cause has been identified diagnosis is based on questionnaires which can sometimes be subjective and drug companies have not yet come up with a drug which is completely safe or even effective. Children with ADHD are regarded by some teachers as a 'problem' but loving intelligent parents will be able to help the child to cope and develop their many talents which they have in abundance.

Although there are fewer girls among children with ADHD very often they are neglected passed over and even forgotten. This is exacerbated by the fact that as they tend to suffer from ADHD inattentive type they are not noticed so much and often left undiagnosed and do not fall into any category not even that of ADHD children. If a girl is spacey and dreamy at the back of the class then the teacher may not notice her. Their problems continue into their teens and they feel the enormous pressure that society has placed on them because they are expected to fill the maternal role but at the same time they have to meet society's expectations of being sexy intelligent and even athletic just like the boys. Like the rest of us they are taught to hate their bodies by TV and advertising. This leads to many cases of depression and even suicides in their teenage years. Suicide rates went up by 30 in the age group 15 18 in just one year.

Children with ADHD when they have temper tantrums which last for 45 minutes can seem like monsters. They are subject to enormous challenges and the only way to turn them into angels is to help them to learn self control and help them to learn timemanagement skills. While ADHD meds can help to reduce symptoms they also have so many side effects that it seems that it is a continuous uphill struggle. It is here that ADHD homeopathic remedies come into their own as they really help so many children with ADHD to reduce hyperactivity and impulsiveness and there are no side effects at all. This leaves lots of space to change some dietary needs green time activities sleep management and involve the child in developing their talents. It is this sort of treatment that can turn ADHD children from monsters into angels!

About the writer:  Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children's Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

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