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MOE Reduce More than A Third of GCE Coursework Assessment Tasks

Those taking their GCE will find their assessment tasks reduced due to the changes brought by the COVID-19 outbreak to the country’s education sector.

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Friday, June 05, 2020

Those student who are taking their GCE will find their assessment tasks reduced due to the changes brought by the COVID-19 outbreak to the country’s education sector.

Early this month, the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board informed that the reduction will involve 12 subjects out of the 34 subjects that have a coursework requirement.

The subjects that will be affected are as follows:

  • N(T)-Level Food Studies
  • N(T)-Level Music Syllabus T
  • N(T)-Level Design and Technology (Revised)
  • N(A)-Level Design and Technology (Revised)
  • N(A)-Level Food and Nutrition
  • N(A)-Level Design and Technology (Legacy)
  • O-Level Design and Technology (Revised)
  • O-Level Design and Technology (Legacy)
  • O-Level Exercise and Sports Science
  • O-Level Food and Nutrition
  • O-Level Drama
  • A-Level H2 Theatre Studies and Drama

Previously, only Music (N(T)-Level) and Exercise and Sports Science (O-Level) were adjusted because of the pandemic.

According to the SEAB, the reduction aims to reduce the stress levels of both teachers and students without changing the essence of the assessment.

They also said that the “circuit breaker” measures have affected the deadlines for courseworks that were originally scheduled around the end of July to the beginning of August.

Teachers will also be working on helping their students with their preliminary examinations once schools reopen. The SEAB added that they considered if students need to use school facilities to complete their course work before they announced the reduction.

Student and Teacher Reactions

Teachers have commented regarding the new adjustments for the GCE.

Some were relieved with the new changes and said that it will allow students to focus more on the written exams and their students. However, there is a lingering regret that students won’t be able to do their projects with their peers.

There are also comments regarding the difficulties of logging a child’s progress for physical assessment, especially if it requires teacher monitoring and approval. If you wants to learn how to assess your child’s education progress without exams, check out this article.

Students, meanwhile, are also relieved that there were adjustments done by the SEAB for assessments.

It allows students to focus on one subject or sport without having to worry about the assessment. However, they are uncertain about the weightage for their subjects because their practical requirements account to a majority of their grades.

The SEAB responded to these concerns and said that the weightage will be adjusted accordingly to meet with the current changes. Special provisions will also be made to help the exam board with assessment by using previous student footage or timings.

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