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How Musical Instruments Help Children Understand Math

Musical instruments help young children develop their mathematical skills. Children who take music lessons develop a sense of rhythm and coordination. The child needs to use their mind as well as their hands to play the instrument. Their hands also need to do different things at different times. This all exercises the child's young mind and stimulates concentration.

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Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Musical instruments help young children develop their mathematical skills. Children who take music lessons develop a sense of rhythm and coordination. The child needs to use their mind as well as their hands to play the instrument. Their hands also need to do different things at different times. This all exercises the child's young mind and stimulates concentration.

Some children find math difficult. This can lead to frustration which complicates matters further. Most children however, love music and find it relaxing and enjoyable. The two subjects are strongly related. Pitch and rhythm, the basis of music, can be described by using math concepts.

Counting beats helps children develop their understanding of whole numbers. Music notation helps them identify shapes and spatial relationships which forms the basis of geometry. Analyzing music pitch and pace develops their ability to measure and compare.

Numerous research studies have been conducted to highlight the relationship between music education and brain development. These studies provide compelling evidence that music significantly increases a child's cognitive ability. One study found that children who played instruments achieved significantly higher math test scores than children who had no music education.

Music helps children learn and memorize. Our brains function best when information is clustered or chunked together and music is naturally like that. There is a reason that teachers developed songs, like the ABC song, to help children learn faster.

Playing an instrument not only helps children develop their math skills. It also improves their reading language and speech abilities. Music is processed in many different areas of the brain. Pythagoras, a famous philosopher, was the first person to make the connection between music and math. Pythagoras believed that mathematics was the foundation for everything and that music had a mathematical basis.

Does it matter what instrument the child plays? Children who take music lessons, regardless of their choice of instrument, all benefit from the development of vital skills. Music lessons are emotionally rewarding. They also help to develop the child's self-esteem as well as encourage discipline and self-expression.

There are many different types of instruments and some children might find it difficult to choose one to commit to. It is important for parents to be sensitive to the child's interests and goals. Parents should not force a child to take up a musical instrument. They should however, encourage a child that displays an inclination to play. If the child does not enjoy the instrument they are playing, they will soon decide to give up their music lessons. This is why the choice of instrument is so critical.

As far as possible, let the child pick the instrument they want to play. Make sure however, that the instrument they choose is age appropriate. If they have absolutely no idea what to choose, then try to educate them on the different musical instruments there are available. If possible, let them join a music group that encourages the sampling of different instruments. Learning to play an instrument is richly rewarding and exciting.

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