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Tips For Teaching Your Baby Math

Are you planning to teach your baby math, right? Let’s start with math books. You will see your child is more and more interested in learning knowledge day after day. This is my experience in teaching my kids. How should you use these books to teach them? Here, you will find out the answer.

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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Are you planning to teach your baby math, right? Let’s start with math books. You will see your child is more and more interested in learning knowledge day after day. This is my experience in teaching my kids. How should you use these books to teach them? Here, you will find out the answer.

Here is a good example, if you are the type of person to always complain about bringing work home and how much of it you have to read forget it! If you try to teach your baby math they are not going to want to learn. On the other hand, if your child sees like loving working at home and figuring out different problems then your child will imitate you. Below, are some tips to help you.

1. Have an environment surrounded by math books


Make sure you have colorful, visually rich children's books. There are a lot of books out there and children love books with pictures.

2. Read Out Loud the math problems


When you are working out math problems with them do it out loud. They will remember it more. All you need is 5 minutes a day to do this. You are going to have such a great close relationship with your son or daughter, because of this type of bonding. A one on one type of teaching also will benefit your child so much, because they will love the attention you are giving them, and they will feel so secure because of it.

This will also build your child's mental stimulation. The best time to do this is right before they go to sleep. He or she will be so eager to learn, and will listen so attentively because of the attention you are giving them. If your child has a favorite math book that is fine, and you can use the same book because repetition is important.

If when you teach your baby math your child seems impatient and want to skip to their favorite pages that is fine. Don't get discourage, because when this happens it means that your child is going through the creative phase. The important thing is to make this enjoyable that way they will love to learn how to do math.

3. Consistency Is The Key


You have got to be consistent! If you postpone a lesson then it shows to your child that this is not that important. No matter what happens do not miss a day with these lessons. Also, let your child participate with the math problems. Let them hold the book and turn the pages. Ask them questions, and have them repeat a line because this will help them with patterns.

Always make sure that your child participates in this, because the more that they do the more that they will learn and the more knowledge they want. Just follow the tips that we just covered and you can't miss with them. All the best for you and your children.

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