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Simple Mental Math

The secret to acquiring all these benefits has its basis in learning simple strategies for mental maths. Most of them seek to address the 4 basic areas of mathematical computation. Here are some samples from each of the four categories:

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

The secret to acquiring all these benefits has its basis in learning simple strategies for mental maths. Most of them seek to address the 4 basic areas of mathematical computation. Here are some samples from each of the four categories:


Multiplying double digit numbers is rather difficult to do mentally. If one of these numbers is 11, take the other number and separate its two figures (36X11=3_6). Get the value of their sum (3+6=9) and place it in this middle space (396). The new number is your answer.

A challenge arises when the sum of the two values is a double digit number (93X11=9_3). In such a case, place the second digit in that middle position (923); add the first digit to the number in first position (1023).


Basic additions are rarely a challenge but if one has to add numbers in a series, it often becomes an uphill climb. An easy trick for getting the sum of any 10-number series is by computing the product of its 7th number and 11. This is an easy calculation when one employs the shortcut for multiplication of numbers by 11.


Getting the difference between big numbers is a tough mental math tricks challenge. For instance, a question may require you to subtract a number from 1000 (1000-732). The easiest way is to subtract the first two digits from 9, (9-7=2 and 9-3=6). Subtract the last digit from 10 (10-2=8) and combine the three digits to get the final answer (268).


There is an easy technique for dividing large numbers by 5. Simply multiply the number by 2 (13982x2=27964) and then place a decimal point between the last two digits and you have your answer (2796.4).

These are just a sample of the numerous shortcuts that one can use to make mathematics easier. By using internet references prepared for this purpose, one can get a lot more of this sort. They make it easier to compute math problems mentally than using a calculator.

The use of these and other similar strategies has proved very useful for persons having to sit for aptitude tests. They also help in saving time during examinations. Take your time to research additional mental maths strategies and enjoy these and numerous other benefits.

To learn much more about the mental maths, mental math tricks can be found at

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