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Learn HTML/CSS for kids (Web Development)
HTML and CSS are the languages that are used to write content for the web. By the end of course, your child will know how websites are displayed and be able to create their own website by coding it using HTML/CSS. The web is a sanctuary where kids and youth visit frequently, play and interact with one another on a daily basis.

Kids today live, learn and play in a digital world. So it’s never too early for them to acquire the programming and thinking skills that would transform them from passive consumers of technology to creators and inventors. Sign your kids up so that they can start the journey of creating web pages!

  • Minimum age 6
  • Attractive pricing
  • Group / 1 to 1 coarching available
  • 4 days Course (2 hours per day) - Total 8 hours

SMS: 8314 0755

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